Staying on top of your health when juggling responsibilities can be a challenge. Working a stressful job or throwing parenting or caretaking into the mix can make it hard to prioritize nutrition and exercise.
Let’s face it: the last thing many of us want to do is add meal-prepping and a new workout routine to our ever-growing to-do lists.
What’s more, opting for healthy ingredients or meals at the grocery store or office cafeteria is usually more expensive than reaching for junk food.
The result? We often pay the price with weight gain and the many health issues it can lead to.
But little changes yield big benefits.
Though it might seem like an epic undertaking at first, managing your weight by making healthy choices doesn’t have to be a monumental effort. To start, just take baby steps.
We’ve put together a few easy tips and tricks you can incorporate into your busy schedule without feeling like you need four more hours in the day.
Simplify your snacking.
Start by rethinking your snacks. Forego buying highly processed grab-and-go goodies that are high in fat or carbohydrates but low in nutritional value (chips and sweets, we’re looking at you).
Instead, choose fresh produce with a long shelf life — like apples, carrots, oranges, and pomegranates, just to name a few. You’ll probably spend less than you would on processed, packaged goods, especially if you focus on produce that’s in season.
These healthy snacks are easy to pack and bring to work, giving you something nutritious to reach for when those midday or early afternoon munchies strike.
Fill up with clean fluids.
Soda, juice, and sugary coffee creations may give you that head-rush of energy you crave during a hectic day, but they’re not worth the ensuing crash and the havoc they can wreak on your weight management goals.
Instead, keep your sips simple, like your snacks. Drink lots of water throughout the day — you can change things up with flavored sparkling water if you get bored. After a few days of guzzling pure H20, you'll probably feel more energized and less bloated.
Take it one step at a time.
Don’t let a busy schedule discourage you from attempting to work some exercise into your daily routine. Remember that any movement is good for you — even if that means pacing back and forth across a home office or boardroom during a 30-minute work call.
If you can get a standing desk, go for it. Or consider switching out your chair for a balance ball or getting up to stretch and walk a few paces every hour. Start small, then gradually build up your exercise time as your schedule allows.
Don’t feel like you have to go it alone.
Sometimes, we need a little help — especially regarding weight management. If you’re struggling with weight management or obesity, you may qualify for GLP-1 medications.
These FDA-approved medications help people with weight loss, and eMed offers a weight loss program that includes weekly check-ins, evaluations by a licensed physician, and resources to help you along your weight loss or weight management journey.
Interested in learning more? Find out if you qualify by answering a few questions.